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What Does Assisted Living Mean?

Assisted living is a type of long-term care for individuals who need help with activities of daily living but do not require the level of care provided in a nursing home. Assisted living communities offer a range of services and support, including meals, medication management, assistance with activities of daily living, and housekeeping. They provide residents with a level of independence and privacy, while also offering access to a variety of social, recreational, and educational activities.


Assisted living communities vary in size, services offered, and cost, and they are designed to provide a comfortable and supportive environment for individuals who are no longer able to live on their own but do not need 24-hour medical care. The goal of assisted living is to provide a balance between support and independence and to enable residents to maintain their highest possible level of physical, mental, and social well-being.

What is an example of assisted living?

An example of an assisted living community is a residential community that provides assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and eating, as well as basic housekeeping and meals. Some assisted living communities may also offer additional services such as medication management, transportation, and access to recreational and social activities.


An example of an assisted living community would be a multi-unit building with private apartments or shared rooms. The building would have common areas such as a dining room, living room, and outdoor spaces. Residents would have access to staff 24 hours a day to provide assistance with daily activities or respond to any health concerns. The community would also offer a range of recreational and social activities, such as exercise classes, art classes, and outings.

What are the pros and cons of assisted living?

Pros of Assisted Living:

  1. Independence: Assisted living facilities allow residents to maintain a high level of independence, privacy and autonomy, while still receiving support with activities of daily living.

  2. Access to Services: Assisted living facilities offer a wide range of services, such as meals, housekeeping, transportation, and access to healthcare, making it easier for residents to live comfortably and maintain their health.

  3. Socialization: Assisted living provides opportunities for residents to socialize and participate in a variety of recreational, educational and social activities, promoting engagement and well-being.

  4. Peace of Mind: Assisted living provides peace of mind for both residents and their families, knowing that the residents are in a safe, secure and supportive environment, and receiving appropriate care and support.

Cons of Assisted Living:

  1. Cost: Assisted living can be expensive, and the cost may not be covered by Medicare or private insurance.

  2. Lack of Privacy: Some assisted living facilities may have shared spaces, which may not be ideal for those who value privacy.

  3. Limited Services: The level of care and services provided in assisted living facilities may not be adequate for those with complex medical needs, who may require the services of a nursing home.

  4. Transitions: Moving into an assisted living facility can be a difficult transition for some individuals, who may miss their former home and independence.

It is important to consider both the pros and cons of assisted living when making a decision about long-term care, and to choose a community that best meets the individual’s needs and preferences.

Fields Senior Living at Spokane Valley

At Fields Senior Living in Spokane Valley our community offers assisted living and memory care, contact one of our team members to learn more about living in our community.